
Norms are a standard, a model or patters regarded as typical. They are the invisible rules of society that we have followed unconditionally since the beginning of time. What it means to be normative is simple, you follow the norms. You do your best at being the same as others. Norms are different for every culture and country, but they all have the common denominator which is that they are unspoken prejudices taught from one generation to the other, no matter how the society has changed. Norms do not just pop up out of thin air, but they create themselves based on the people we socialize with, what types of media we consume such as movies, magazines, books, tv-shows, what media focuses on is also a very effective way to create norms. Some norms are more focused on having a specific sexuality, others are more focused on human nature, the body, the skin and hair color. When talking about hair and skin color, I am of course referring to the racial differences that are current here in this world. This is a burning topic, but it seems almost that this stereotyping and/or categorization is solely for our human minds stimulation. Sure, we all have preconceived ideas about everything and everyone, but for the racial question to still be as current as it is, it must have grounds in something that is actually true or even slightly true.